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Together, we shape the future.
Team Meeting

In our practice, we rely on scientific and professional background, we consult with the successful ones and find good practices applicable in a given environment.

We use quality technological support in order to authentically respond to the requests of users of our services.


In cooperation with clients and in accordance with their needs, we prepare long-term strategic development documents and short-term action plans for the needs of state administration bodies, regional and local self-government and other organizations and institutions in the public sector.


As evaluators, we carry out ex-ante evaluations, evaluations during implementation and ex-post evaluations of policies, programs and projects. We try to give concrete recommendations for the improvement of development documents as well as processes in order to achieve the desired results, and use the learned experience in future planning. We provide support in the evaluation of project proposals that apply for funding from the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund.


We advise how to solve specific development problems in regional, urban and territorial development, taking into account the context and available development opportunities of individual units of regional or local self-government, as well as local communities, adapting methods and approaches to solving the identified problem or facing new challenges. Involvement and cooperation of various stakeholders from civil society, academia, and the public and private sectors are an integral part of our work.


We provide facilitation and coaching services for complex planning processes, striving to balance the needs of all involved and ensure adequate representation of the interests of diverse stakeholders. We transfer the acquired knowledge and experience to various target groups so that they can apply it in their daily business life and work. In the implementation of education, we cooperate with faculties and schools within educational programs, and with providers of professional development programs in the public and private sector in Croatia and the wider region.



Savjetujemo institucije i organizacije, tijela državne uprave, regionalne ili lokalne samouprave kako planirati svoje buduće aktivnosti uz sudjelovanje ključnih dionika i pritom optimalno rasporediti uobičajeno ograničene resurse za svoj daljnji razvoj.


We create a recognizable, original and contemporary visual identity that will be the basis of communication towards users, partners and the general public. In order to justify the invested funds of EU taxpayers, it is necessary to inform the public in a timely and transparent manner during the entire duration of the financed or co-financed EU project. We create communication strategies, plan promotional activities, design and produce promotional materials according to customer specifications.


Possible languages for providing the services are Croatian, English, German, Italian and Spanish.









Raspon naših usluga

Izrada strateških dokumenata

Metodološko vođenje kroz procese participativnog strateškog planiranja

Programiranje u okviru Europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova

Evaluacije mjera i aktivnosti u okviru provedbe javnih politika

Istraživačke studije

Stručne analize i mišljenja

Informatičke usluge

Projekti teritorijalnog razvoja (otočni razvoj, deprivirana područja)

Projekti razvoja sustava praćenja i izvještavanja

Projekti praćenja i vrednovanja provedbe strateških dokumenata

Razvoj edukacijskih programa (formalni studijski programi, obuke u okviru programa cjeloživotnog obrazovanja, stručne edukacije)

Provedba interaktivnih treninga, seminara, radionica

Nastupi na domaćim i međunarodnim skupovima

Naši klijenti i partneri

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